My partner, Jake Crocker, often says that business deals are “won or lost on the first tee”. The first time he said this to me it caught my attention, and the analogy has worn well over the years.
Life Changing Books
Jul 31, 2021 10:33:55 AM / by Tim McCarthy posted in Monthly Newsletter
A young friend who is working on a pivot in his life asked me what books he should read during such introspection. It didn’t take long for me to share the titles of the books that have changed my life, in chronological order.
Free Hand and Imperfect Heroes
Jun 30, 2021 6:57:07 AM / by Tim McCarthy posted in Monthly Newsletter
A dear friend and wonderful private blogger, Carll Tucker, wrote me after reading last month’s newsletter to ask what Father Norm Smith, one of those I admired, meant by giving without intensity or judgment.
Who do you Admire?
May 30, 2021 3:42:17 PM / by Tim McCarthy posted in Monthly Newsletter
My favorite blogger, Seth Godin, said recently that “Attitude follows action far more often than action follows attitude.” So, today, I’m writing about the people I admire most in an effort to improve my attitude and myself. I want to share distilled character traits of those passed and present hoping this action might help me to be more like them.
A popular topic has become very personal for me. The topic is disinformation and misinformation.
Losing Track of Our Dreams?
Mar 29, 2021 8:54:34 PM / by Tim McCarthy posted in Monthly Newsletter
About 20 times this year, I will conduct a 3-hour program called “Dream Sketch”. In a highly interactive setting, I help CEOs and business owners define more clearly what they want out of life. We use templates that I have used to plan my own dreams for more than 20 years.
Observing Moonshots from Ashtabula
Feb 27, 2021 6:26:24 AM / by Tim McCarthy posted in Monthly Newsletter
My first 17 years and the last 17 years have been spent in my little hometown of Ashtabula, Ohio.
Author’s note: For deeper thinkers, as in Harvard Business Review, see this month’s featured article.
The Liberal Art of Management - Peter Drucker
Dec 31, 2020 10:54:24 AM / by Tim McCarthy posted in Monthly Newsletter
Peter Drucker was a professor and consultant who is often called the inventor of modern management theory. He was an early observer of such widely-accepted management concepts as MBOs (management by objective), knowledge workers, outsourcing (“do what you do best and outsource the rest”) and planned obsolescence (he termed “planned abandonment).
I worked for fourteen hours at the polls on November 3rd. It was an unforgettable experience.