Tim McCarthy and the Business of Good

Rating Your Playfulness

Sep 3, 2024 9:25:33 AM / by Tim McCarthy posted in Monthly Newsletter, Learning and Knowledge, Creativity & Favorites



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The Doctor Is In

Aug 6, 2024 11:56:20 AM / by Tim McCarthy posted in Monthly Newsletter, Learning and Knowledge, Creativity & Favorites



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Fear and Love

Jul 1, 2024 1:23:21 PM / by Tim McCarthy posted in Monthly Newsletter, Learning and Knowledge, Creativity & Favorites



Paulo Freire said, “The opposite of love is not, as we many times or almost always think, hatred, but the fear to love, and fear to love is the fear of being free.”

Sounds “touchy-feely”, doesn’t it?  My continuing experience says it’s not.

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Taking My Chances

Jun 4, 2024 12:26:40 PM / by Tim McCarthy posted in Monthly Newsletter, Learning and Knowledge, Creativity & Favorites




Last month, I wrote about working at the polls to investigate the reality of election fraud.  To those who suggested I’m naïve, I wrote: “I trust elections for the same reason I get every recommended vaccine because while I know election fraud exists, and vaccines cause death, both are exceedingly rare.”

Here’s more direct experience and research about another controversial issue: vaccines.  

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The Gun Industry Created a New Consumer by Ryan Busse, The Atlantic

Jul 30, 2022 10:51:24 AM / by Tim McCarthy posted in Learning and Knowledge


Editor’s Note: 

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Here We Go Again by Seth Godin

Jan 31, 2022 9:20:56 AM / by Tim McCarthy posted in Learning and Knowledge


Editor’s note:  One of my favorite books was Donald Miller’s “A Million Miles in a Thousand Years”.  The book is an entertaining tale of how Miller learned to live a better life story.  Godin, my favorite blogger, captures the essence of the theme here, particularly with his powerful last sentence:  “rewrite the script, rewrite the outcome”. 

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Why Are People Really Leaving Their Jobs? The Whole Reason Can Be Summed Up in 4 Words.

Oct 30, 2021 10:28:50 AM / by Tim McCarthy posted in Learning and Knowledge


Original Article: https://www.inc.com/marcel-schwantes/why-are-people-really-leaving-their-jobs-whole-reason-can-be-summed-up-in-4-words.html

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Just Get Me A Box by Brendan Murray

Sep 30, 2021 9:53:23 PM / by Tim McCarthy posted in Learning and Knowledge


Originally Published:

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Everything in Moderation — a Key to a Happy and Balanced Life

Jul 31, 2021 9:35:51 AM / by Tim McCarthy posted in Learning and Knowledge


Editor’s note:   I’m fascinated by learning the causes and effects of moderation versus extreme lifestyles.  It’s simply one of the most prominent issues of modern America in my mind. 
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Claire Suddath’s interview with Dr. Deepak Chopra

Jun 30, 2021 7:08:00 AM / by Tim McCarthy posted in Learning and Knowledge


Editor’s comment: I read a brief clip of this Claire Suddath Bloomberg interview in the monthly magazine and was struck by his opening response, which is excerpted below.


Excerpt:  “Meditation is a way to bypass the thinking process, which gives us anxiety.  As soon as you feel stress, your cortisol goes up, your adrenaline goes up, your breath gets shallow, your heart rate goes up.  The best way to stop that is to just stop…observe…pause and ask yourself, ‘what is the best way for me right now to handle this situation?’


Deepak Chopra, MD, Founder of The Chopra Foundation and Chopra Global speaks to Bloomberg’s Claire Suddath and shares his best tips and practices on meditation with the audience at the Bloomberg Businessweek. (Source: Bloomberg)

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