Tim McCarthy and the Business of Good

Yellow Moon by Aaron Neville

May 30, 2021 4:13:55 PM / by Tim McCarthy

Editor’s note:  I’m not even including a favorite lyric in this note because this is a pure rhythm and blues, New Orleans rock/jazz, toe-tapper from generational musicians, performed live at Farm Aid in early 1990s.  The last third of the performance is the best of sax (Charles Neville) and lead guitar (Brian Stoltz) playing off each other that I’ve ever enjoyed.  You may also get a kick out of looking into the band’s and the Neville Brothers’ history which is amazing, including that songwriter and melodic singer, Aaron’s first hit (of many) is 1960s classic “Tell It Like It Is” who then also collaborated with some of the most well-known artists of my time.  Also of interest is Charles “The Horn Man’s” time in federal penitentiary where he honed his skills with other incarcerated New Orleans music artists.  

Tags: Creativity & Favorites

Tim McCarthy

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