Editor’s Note: My sister married an Irish lad, Sean Murphy, in 1970 and has lived most of her life since then in Dublin and Galway. Sean passed suddenly of a heart attack in 1996 the day after Christmas playing golf with his brother in Bandon, the town near Cork where they grew up. At his memorial service, this traditional gathering song was played in his memory and its lyrics haunt me, especially while hearing the amazing tenor voice of Ed Sheeran and remembering my dear brother-in-law.
Amazing Music - “The Parting Glass” sung by Ed Sheeran
Jul 31, 2014 2:31:00 PM / by Tim McCarthy posted in Creativity & Favorites
Article of Interest - "How Mindfulness Makes You Powerful” by Marina Illich
Jul 31, 2014 2:28:00 PM / by Tim McCarthy posted in Learning and Knowledge
At a recent seminar I did on time management, I shared the idea of creating a “not to do” list that was taught to me many years ago. Yep, it’s just how it sounds: after you’ve done your “to do” list, make a little list (I do it monthly) of things you should no longer bother doing. You’ll be surprised how free your heart and your mind become, and therefore more powerful by committing yourself to focus on doing less, better. There’s much more in this great article by Ms. Illich which covers the power of mindfulness practice, a form of which (Vispassana) I’ve been doing since the mid-1990’s.
Recommended Books - "The Paradox of Generosity" by Christian Smith & Hilary Davidson
Jul 31, 2014 2:17:00 PM / by Tim McCarthy posted in Creativity & Favorites
Editor's Note: The Paradox of Generosity is a compelling and well-researched book that argues that the regular practice of being generous with our money, time, and relationships enhances happiness.
Newsletter: An Excerpt of the Book "Empty Abundance - (You Can’t Teach an Empty Bag to Stand Up Straight)"
Jul 6, 2014 7:32:00 PM / by Tim McCarthy posted in Monthly Newsletter
As I was starting my business, I read a small Ken Blanchard and Norman Vincent Peale book titled The Power of Ethical Management. The lesson I remember most from the book is to treat each associate as if they are a bank account, that is, to consider each interaction with that other person as either a deposit or a withdrawal.
Amazing Music - “Head Full of Doubt” by The Avett Brothers
Jul 6, 2014 7:22:00 PM / by Tim McCarthy posted in Creativity & Favorites
Editor’s note: I know, I’m addicted to these guys. But the songs I’m unearthing now – this from their very first album – arejust so full of meaning. I’m doing a seminar for a friend’s school where she wants her teachers to learn to share their vulnerability so that the young people can feel more comfortable with theirs. And as a result of seeing their darkness, can break into their light. I will likely either open or close the afternoon’s work with this song.
Article of Interest - "Enneagram Articles" by Sandra Ford Walston
Jul 6, 2014 7:21:00 PM / by Tim McCarthy posted in Learning and Knowledge
Editor’s note: My friend, Jerry Danalchack has been working me through an author on the spiritual uses of the Enneagram, an ancient religious practice. When I bumped into Sandra Walston’s article, shown here, I noticed her use of the practice in business matches well to this month’s article. I’ve used personality tests for over thirty years in business, this may be the next one I try.
Recommended Books - "Contagious" by Jonah Berger
Jul 6, 2014 7:12:00 PM / by Tim McCarthy posted in Creativity & Favorites
Editor’s note: In this thoughtful book, we’re reminded that like any new “phenomenon” much is done to little effect in the social media business. Dr. Jonah Berger starts with a fundamental fact: that word of mouth is still the most effective way toget the word out about yourself or your business. Then he gives us six lessons (STEPPS he calls them) for gaining digital attention. His research is extensive and sound but what I like best is that Jonah uses plenty of examples and case histories for every point he makes.
Newsletter - "What Would You Like to SEA Change?" by Tim McCarthy
Jun 1, 2014 4:13:00 PM / by Tim McCarthy posted in Monthly Newsletter
So if you have ever thought to yourself – if I only had the resources, I would [do this great thing] to change the world for the better – now is your chance to unleash your entrepreneurial spirit and do as Gandhi said, “Be the change you hope to see in the world.”
Amazing Music - “Watching the River Run” by Kenny Loggins and Jim Messina
Jun 1, 2014 4:10:00 PM / by Tim McCarthy posted in Creativity & Favorites
Editor’s comment: Nice to see this video of two guys I enjoyed in college when I needed a lightener from Cream, Hendrix, Zeppelin and the like. This appears to be from just two years ago at a venue in their hometown of Santa Barbara. The harmonies and the mandolin that were their trademark then are apparently still intact. Favorite verse: “If you’ve been thinking you’re all that you’ve got, don’t feel alone anymore Cause when we’re together you’ve got a lot, as you are the river and I am the shore.”
Article of Interest "The Difference Between Successful and Very Successful People” by Greg McKeown
Jun 1, 2014 3:58:00 PM / by Tim McCarthy posted in Learning and Knowledge
Editor’s Note: This article served as an amazing reminder for me as I slowly become CFO of our investment company. I’ve long admired our former CFO (now Chairman of our restaurant company) Jake Crocker for being extraordinarily selective. As I absorb what we already have in our collection of investments and consider what’s “at the door”, I think I’ll refer to this article often. The personal stuff referred to in the article feels like things my partners and I are aware of but can always do better at.