Tim McCarthy and the Business of Good

Tribe of Mentors | Tim Ferriss

Jan 31, 2018 6:16:35 AM / by Tim McCarthy

Editor’s Comment:  I was not aware of Mr. Ferriss’ first two books, “4-Hour Workweek” and “Tools of Titans” but I will probably go back and take a look.  In this book, Ferriss came up with 11 common questions to ask of 140 people who are widely admired and from various callings.  I don’t love all the questions nor do I admire all the mentors he interviews, Ferriss says he expects the reader to “like 70, love 35 and have your life changed perhaps by 17…and amusingly, the 70 you dislike will be precisely the 70 someone else needs”.  But I had a blast picking and choosing and I learned a ton by doing so.  It’s kind of like Forrest Gump’s box of chocolates, you never know what you’ll get but often your choice is delicious.  Enjoy.

Favorite Excerpt:  “Life punishes the Vague wish and rewards the specific ask”

Tags: Creativity & Favorites

Tim McCarthy

Written by Tim McCarthy

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