Tim McCarthy and the Business of Good

Recommended Books - "A Path Appears" by Nicholas Kristoff and Sheryl WuDunn

Oct 25, 2015 4:17:00 PM / by Tim McCarthy

Editor’s Note: This is the book I would be able to write if I had 10 times the experience I have at this time. Every interest I’ve had, it seems, is covered by this famous reporting couple. The thorough nature of their approach in fact makes it informative and helpful to a neophyte like me but also a bit weighty if you are more casual in your interest. Kristoff and WuDunn take account of an amazing number of vignettes of successful and unsuccessful efforts to stem poverty and its root causes here in America and throughout the world. In the same book, they also study the science of both giving and receiving. Finally, they cover measuring impact. For me it was well worth the slog and even if others are overwhelmed by it, the book adds fame and practical knowledge to this emerging social change society we are growing together.

Favorite excerpt: “Let’s recognize that success in life is a reflection not only of enterprise and willpower but also of chance and early upbringing, and that compassion isn’t a sign of weakness but a mark of civilization.”


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Tim McCarthy

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