Tim McCarthy and the Business of Good

January Book: “The Bond” by Sampson Davis, George Jenkins, Rameck Hunt, and Margaret Bernstein

Jan 3, 2013 9:48:00 AM / by Tim McCarthy

Editor’s Note: The Bond by the “Three Doctors,” is a continuation of their first book, The Pact. In The Pact, Sampson Davis, George Jenkins and Rameck Hunt tell how they became friends in high school and promised to graduate from college to become doctors. The Bond, co-written by our friend Margaret Bernstein of the Plain Dealer, goes even further into their friendship and ways that they have set out to mentor other children who are growing up in similar homes. Their story resonates as our foundation’s vision is that all low-income and/or first-generation students will have a caring and committed mentor to help get them get to and through college.

Favorite Excerpt: “We believe a new era is possible, and that adults can successfully band together to form a bond and to wash away the crippling legacy of absentee fatherhood. It can happen, if we wake up and voice the hard truth to one another that it’s a heartless thing to deprive a child of a father who should rightfully be a protector and cheerleader.”

Tags: Creativity & Favorites

Tim McCarthy

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