Tim McCarthy and the Business of Good

CASE HISTORY The Spirit of Jake

Aug 31, 2013 12:53:00 PM / by Tim McCarthy

Editor’s note: Attached for your viewing is a 12 minute video of a commencement address I gave last week the day after we celebrated the life of my good friend, Jake Sposito. I wrote to you about Jake a few months ago in a blog titled, “This Mortal Coil.” These remarks to 38 entrepreneurs graduating from Goldman Sachs “10,000 Businesses” program here in Cleveland use Jake’s life to share a couple of the most important lessons Jake taught me:

  1. Choose one thing your business can do that customers can’t get elsewhere, and 
  2. Your business reflects your life and your life reflects your business.

If you enjoy it, please pass it on to friends as I consider it a mission to carry on Jake’s spirit now that his mortal coil is unwound.



Tags: Learning and Knowledge

Tim McCarthy

Written by Tim McCarthy

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