Editor’s Note: I’ve been a Godin fan since “Permission Marketing” which was published many years ago as I was ramping a permission marketing business. Another favorite is “Purple Cow” but anything Seth writes, including his blog is usually very good. In “The Dip,” Seth takes on the idea that it can be smart to power through tough times as you master something, but smart people also choose when to quit on certain things. Cool idea, a little off center and yet lots of common sense which is back to why I admire Seth.
Excerpt: “The brave thing to do is to tough it out and end up on the other side. The mature thing to do is not even bother starting to snow board because you probably will not make it through the Dip. The stupid thing to do is to start, give it your best shot, waste a lot of time and money and quit right in the middle of the Dip.”