Tim McCarthy and the Business of Good

April Book: “Uncharitable: How Restraints on Nonprofits Undermine Their Potential” by Dan Pallotta

Mar 28, 2013 11:18:00 AM / by Tim McCarthy

Editor’s Note: Because I read a lot of books and articles on philanthropy, I assumed this would be another dull but earnest attempt to improve the world of charitable giving, but Dan Palotta makes a pretty compelling case for the need to move towards a free-market system (e.g. investment in marketing, tolerance for risk, competitive pay) in order to win the war against poverty and disease. Dan will be coming to Cleveland on April 10th to the Cleveland Social Venture Partners' (CSVP) second annual bigBANG! event. Go to http://bigbang.csvp.org/ for more information.

Favorite Excerpt: “Our system of charity doesn’t produce the results we are after because there is a flawed ideology at work. Its error flows directly from the Puritan belief in human depravity.”

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Tim McCarthy

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