Tim McCarthy and the Business of Good

Amazing Music - "Where do the Children Play” by Cat Stevens

Apr 29, 2014 3:09:00 PM / by Tim McCarthy

Editor’s Note:  Good memories flooded back to me when I saw that Cat Stevens, now Yusuf Islam, had been named to this year’s Rock and Roll Hall of Fame class.  Many of the songs from his seminal album “Tea for the Tillerman” (Wild World, Father and Son and Moon Shadow) are still known to me by heart and played often.  But considering KaBOOM’s work in child health and exercise, it seems appropriate to choose this song from his “Teaser and the Firecat” album.   

Favorite lyric:  “While I think it’s fine, building jumbo planes or taking a ride on a cosmic train; switch on summer from a slot machine and get what you want to when you want because you can get anything.  I know we’ve come a long way; we’re changing day to day.  But tell me ‘where do the children play’”



Tags: Creativity & Favorites

Tim McCarthy

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