Tim McCarthy and the Business of Good

Amazing Music - “Truckin’” by Garcia, Lesh, Weir, Hunter

Feb 26, 2016 4:34:00 PM / by Tim McCarthy

Editor’s note: There are probably many reasons this became the theme of a generation and perhaps asking my sixties friends I’d find a few more. But to me, this song always simply said to me “keep on moving.” And if you don’t know any other song by the Grateful Dead, it’s likely you’ve heard this if only because of its catchy tune. Enjoy.

Favorite lyric:

Most of the cats that you meet on the streets speak of true love
Most of the time they're sittin' and cryin' at home

One of these days they know they better get goin'

Out of the door and down on the streets all alone



Tags: Creativity & Favorites

Tim McCarthy

Written by Tim McCarthy