Tim McCarthy and the Business of Good

Faking It

Apr 1, 2024 3:53:24 PM / by Tim McCarthy posted in Monthly Newsletter, Professional Growth and Development, Creativity & Favorites



How many times can you remember “faking it”?  

My list is very long.
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The Secret to Employee Loyalty

Mar 2, 2024 5:15:00 PM / by Tim McCarthy posted in Monthly Newsletter, Professional Growth and Development, Creativity & Favorites


Ah, the golden key to loyalty among the ranks! Here it is: Invite your team to stick around for the long haul, but if they decide to fly the coop, assure them they'll be leaving with a shinier resume. It's about having those real talks, not just about the gig but about their grand life adventure.

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Questions and Answers

Jan 24, 2024 11:02:43 AM / by Tim McCarthy posted in Monthly Newsletter, Professional Growth and Development, Creativity & Favorites


The more questions I ask, the more certain the answers will be.  Questions lead to research; research leads to risk reduction in both business and in my life.

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Sharon Salzberg

Dec 31, 2023 6:18:23 PM / by Tim McCarthy posted in Professional Growth and Development, Creativity & Favorites


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Newsletter: Lesson 2: Why Build a Traditional Organization to do Non-traditional Work?

Jul 1, 2011 5:36:00 AM / by Tim McCarthy posted in Monthly Newsletter, Professional Growth and Development, Business & Entrepreneurship, Learning and Knowledge, Organizational & Operational Excellence


Author’s note: This is the second in a series of articles regarding the mistakes I’ve made in developing our foundation over these first 14 years.  A friend recently sent me a book titled, “Success Always Begins With Failure”.   I love that title and hope that my failures shared will give you some tips for your own giving journey. [more]

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Newsletter: Trials and Errors in Service to Others - The Secret to Life: Do One Thing Well

Jun 1, 2011 4:57:00 AM / by Tim McCarthy posted in Monthly Newsletter, Professional Growth and Development, Business & Entrepreneurship, Learning and Knowledge, Communication & Relationships, Organizational & Operational Excellence


This is my first article for our new website. I intend to dedicate most of my first year of writing for the site to sharing what I’ve learned as I grow in service to others.

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Newsletter: Rules of Engagement

May 1, 2011 9:39:00 AM / by Tim McCarthy posted in Monthly Newsletter, Professional Growth and Development, Social Impact & Responsibility, Learning and Knowledge, Communication & Relationships


Engaged philanthropy is a never ending journey of learning how best to make a positive impact in the organizations we serve.  I have learned some important lessons along the way. [more]

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Newsletter: Lights on Our Path

Apr 1, 2011 8:58:00 AM / by Tim McCarthy posted in Monthly Newsletter, Professional Growth and Development, Personal Well-Being, Communication & Relationships, Creativity & Favorites


If you’d like an inspirational moment today, write a list of people who’ve made a difference in your life.  Everyone has had someone who has inspired them in some way. I have many. [more]

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Newsletter: Our Own Skin

Mar 1, 2011 7:56:00 AM / by Tim McCarthy posted in Monthly Newsletter, Professional Growth and Development, Communication & Relationships


The hardest part of life is learning to live with ourselves and, the more we work on ourselves (versus our partners) the more progress we make. [more]

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Newsletter: The Other Side of Our Story

Feb 15, 2011 7:51:00 AM / by Tim McCarthy posted in Monthly Newsletter, Professional Growth and Development, Business & Entrepreneurship, Organizational & Operational Excellence


Starting a good business, just like living a good life, requires planning and discipline.  I know because I struggled for many years to develop my company into a successful organization.  [more]

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