In the end, great lives are a product of dedication to life balance and healthy, close relationships. [more]
Newsletter: A Learning Christmas
Jan 15, 2010 5:27:00 AM / by Tim McCarthy posted in Monthly Newsletter, Personal Well-Being, Communication & Relationships
Newsletter: Enough
Aug 15, 2009 5:34:00 AM / by Tim McCarthy posted in Monthly Newsletter, Personal Well-Being, Business & Entrepreneurship
The free enterprise system, like its consumers, seems now too focused on financial products and not focused enough on “making and trading”. We are in danger of becoming insatiable gamblers. [more]
Newsletter: Eight Instructions
Jul 15, 2009 5:24:00 AM / by Tim McCarthy posted in Monthly Newsletter, Personal Well-Being
Lessons from life. [more]
Newsletter: A Victimless Life
Jul 1, 2009 5:21:00 AM / by Tim McCarthy posted in Monthly Newsletter, Personal Well-Being, Communication & Relationships, Organizational & Operational Excellence
There is a big gap between supporting the displaced and poor and enabling people who view themselves as victims. Our goal is the former and we avoid where possible the latter. [more]
Newsletter: Virtuous Cycle
May 15, 2009 12:37:00 PM / by Tim McCarthy posted in Monthly Newsletter, Personal Well-Being, Learning and Knowledge, Communication & Relationships, Creativity & Favorites
According to Stewart Kohl, CEO of Riverside, a virtuous circle is what he seeks in his business and his life. He believes it is accomplished by being open to mistakes and willing to correct them; all with the goal of leading a more successful business and fulfilling life. [more]
Newsletter: I Am From
May 1, 2009 12:26:00 PM / by Tim McCarthy posted in Monthly Newsletter, Personal Well-Being, Creativity & Favorites
A poor teenager from a bad neighborhood overcomes her obstacles and heads for Brown University – leaving a wonderful poem to contemplate as she does. [more]
Newsletter: Another Trip of a Lifetime
Feb 25, 2009 11:08:00 AM / by Tim McCarthy posted in Monthly Newsletter, Personal Well-Being
Seeing poverty first-hand changes one’s point of view. [more]
Newsletter: Horrible Holiday?
Dec 15, 2008 10:31:00 AM / by Tim McCarthy posted in Monthly Newsletter, Personal Well-Being, Communication & Relationships, Creativity & Favorites
Peace to you this season. [more]