Raising Canes of Ohio (our partnerships restaurant company) is approaching 1,000 employees. At that size, I find it cool that our son, Timmy, its founder still does many exit and stay interviews with its crew members and managers.
"Life Changers; Never Forever" by Tim McCarthy
Nov 29, 2016 6:19:00 PM / by Tim McCarthy posted in Monthly Newsletter
Charitable Business and the Business of Charity
Oct 31, 2016 6:25:00 AM / by Tim McCarthy posted in Monthly Newsletter
All business is social.
"IQ, EQ and... LQ?" by Tim McCarthy
Oct 2, 2016 7:12:00 PM / by Tim McCarthy posted in Monthly Newsletter
I’ve never knowingly had my IQ tested but I’m pretty sure they did it in grade school because my teachers constantly told me that my grades were far below what my intelligence tests predicted. I was apparently a slacker before the word was coined.
Newsletter - "The Message is the Medium" by Tim McCarthy
Aug 29, 2016 9:45:00 AM / by Tim McCarthy posted in Monthly Newsletter
Marshall McLuhan was a brilliant professor who coined the phrase “the medium is the message”.
Guest Blog "SEA Change" by Tim P. McCarthy
Aug 1, 2016 7:19:00 AM / by Tim McCarthy posted in Monthly Newsletter
A SEA Change is a profound or notable transformation. The SEA Change happening in Columbus, Ohio will be showcased in the form of a festival. There will be two back-to-back days focused on the raising up of Social Businesses into the consciousness of Ohio.
Newsletter - "Inputs and Outcomes" by Tim McCarthy
Jun 26, 2016 11:45:00 AM / by Tim McCarthy posted in Monthly Newsletter
One of the guys I respect most, David Camiener, has taught me a lot since we met in a peer group (Vistage) in 1995. I’m still learning one of the best lessons ever.
Newsletter - "The Most Difficult Person I’ve Ever Managed" by Tim McCarthy
May 30, 2016 10:48:00 AM / by Tim McCarthy posted in Monthly Newsletter
Several times a year, my son, Tim, and friend, Brian Bowers, and I speak to business management classes at Ohio State. Among the topics most discussed is managing people.
Newsletter - "The Power of the Written Plan" by Tim McCarthy
Apr 27, 2016 6:11:00 PM / by Tim McCarthy posted in Monthly Newsletter
We all have plans. But until a plan is written, it’s not real.
Newsletter - "Which Came First, Transportation Needs or Uber?" by Tim McCarthy
Mar 30, 2016 5:33:00 PM / by Tim McCarthy posted in Monthly Newsletter
A friend recently asked me a couple of interesting questions:
Newsletter - "God’s Not Done With Us Yet" by Tim McCarthy
Feb 26, 2016 4:47:00 PM / by Tim McCarthy posted in Monthly Newsletter
As I look back I am grateful for so much. Lately I’ve been thinking about gratitude I still have for people who believed in me. In fact, I have a list of people who have given me confidence and courage and I’m still updating that list at 63.