The end of the Cold War, marked by the collapse of the Soviet Union in 1991, had an equally dramatic effect on the general level of armed conflict in the global system. The levels of both interstate and societal warfare declined dramatically through the 1990s and this trend continues in the early 2000s, falling over 60% from their peak levels. To review the complete listing, "Major Episodes of Political Violence, 1946-2012," used to construct the warfare trends, click here. You may also view regional trends graphs by clicking here. 
Article of the Month - "Global Trends in Armed Conflict, 1946-2012"
Jan 5, 2014 12:39:00 PM / by Tim McCarthy posted in Learning and Knowledge
Song of the Month - "Forever Young” by Bob Dylan
Jan 5, 2014 10:44:00 AM / by Tim McCarthy posted in Creativity & Favorites
Editor’s Note: My talented and beloved son, Kevin, was home for one of my open mic nights and while deciding some songs to do together, he suggested this Dylan classic. I frankly had not heard it or thought of it in 30+ years. When Kevin then said, “I want us to sing this for Rose Alice, his one-year-old daughter,” my heart soared!
Case History of the Month - "Givers vs. Growers"
Jan 5, 2014 10:21:00 AM / by Tim McCarthy posted in Learning and Knowledge
Editor’s note: My son, Tim, sent me the TED talk Dan Palotta did and it's excellent. It certainly reflects a lot of what our foundation actually practices every day. But I also enjoyed this analysis of his talk which provides even more food for thought. Where do I land? As long as it's not purely administrative cost........we're pie growers.
Book of the Month - "What Then Must We Do” by Gar Alperovitz
Jan 5, 2014 10:12:00 AM / by Tim McCarthy posted in Creativity & Favorites
Editor’s comment: Warning to my conservative friends: This book can be interpreted as an attack on American capitalism! I realized that only a few pages in, and almost threw the book away. But I remembered one time when my daughter made me go to a Michael Moore movie by saying, “Dad, even if you’re appalled by it, you should open your mind to it.” So onward I pushed and though it’s been a tough read, there are enough nuggets in it to consider. I'm learning that I’m probably a fiscal conservative but a social liberal but in any event, I’m appalled by the growing polarization of wealth in America. Somewhere in between socialism that I fear and the untethered free enterprise that’s not working is the most interesting to me.
Newsletter - "Peer Pressure" by Tim McCarthy
Dec 6, 2013 10:54:00 AM / by Tim McCarthy posted in Monthly Newsletter
When I would tell my Mom that “my friends are doing it,” she would say “If your friends all jumped in the lake, should you?”
Song of the Month - "Yellow Moon” by the Neville Brothers
Dec 6, 2013 10:49:00 AM / by Tim McCarthy posted in Creativity & Favorites
Editor’s Note: This is one of those songs that just makes you tap your feet, especially as it’s performed live at Farm Aid concert almost twenty years ago.
Case History - "Towards Employment"
Dec 6, 2013 10:44:00 AM / by Tim McCarthy posted in Learning and Knowledge
Editor’s note: “Attached is a link to a short video about Towards Employment. Towards Employment empowers individuals to achieve and maintain self-sufficiency through employment and focus on helping low-income and disadvantaged individuals to remove employment barriers and assist them along a career pathway. They understand that one job can change a life, stabilize a family, strengthen an industry, and can send positive change throughout an entire community. They are making a difference in thousands of lives. Please watch this video and share it with your community.”
Book of the Month - "The Billionaire Who Wasn’t” by Conor O’Clery
Dec 6, 2013 10:40:00 AM / by Tim McCarthy posted in Creativity & Favorites
Editor’s Note: I’m not much of a biography guy but this one reads like fiction. Through 400 pages, O’Clery does a great job with short punchy chapters about a man I’d never hear of before. Chuck Feeney quietly built a multi-billion dollar empire of Duty Free stores and then even more quietly invested all of his fortune in social change. He patterned his life after Andrew Carnegie’s essay on “Wealth” which dealt with “giving while living.” No matter where your point of view ends up on the man or his works, it’s just a helluva read.
SONG "A Dustland Fairytale" by The Killers
Oct 4, 2013 7:06:00 AM / by Tim McCarthy posted in Creativity & Favorites
Editor’s note: Nostalgia. Nothing puts a lump in your throat and a pang in your heart like remembering the past, and this song’s powerful message of
CASE HISTORY Malone Scholarship Fund
Oct 4, 2013 6:57:00 AM / by Tim McCarthy posted in Learning and Knowledge