December song AND joke: “Death By Polka”, The Chardon Polka Band & Lake Erie Video
Nov 27, 2019 7:48:28 AM / by Tim McCarthy posted in Creativity & Favorites
Ralph Waldo Emerson
May 23, 2019 1:22:44 PM / by Tim McCarthy posted in Creativity & Favorites
"The purpose of life is not to be happy. It is to be useful, to be honorable, to be compassionate, to have it make some difference that you have lived and lived well."
The Subtle Art of Not Giving a F*ck | Mark Manson
May 23, 2019 1:21:03 PM / by Tim McCarthy posted in Creativity & Favorites
Editor’s Comment: As you may guess, the book is profane and Manson seems to be the classic millennial male. But not even that could distract me from gaining momentum as I went from chapter to chapter through his entire book. I’ve long despised the positivity bend of most self-help advice. By the mid-90s I had given up such trash in favor of insight meditation to learn “seeing things as they are”. Manson takes it another step by saying such things as “embrace death” and that everything worthwhile in life comes from surmounting negative experience. He’s a good story teller and uproariously funny at times.
Peace Train | Cat Stevens
May 23, 2019 1:19:05 PM / by Tim McCarthy posted in Creativity & Favorites
Editor’s Comment: The news seems no longer the news, it’s seems more like mud-slinging. I’m weary of it. So when this old song came up on my ITunes, I played it over five times.
Medicine for the Soul
May 23, 2019 1:18:04 PM / by Tim McCarthy posted in Monthly Newsletter
That’s what my Mom called laughter.
The Fool | Bob Miller
May 23, 2019 1:16:38 PM / by Tim McCarthy posted in Learning and Knowledge
Editor’s Comment: My dear friend, Bob Miller, sends me his self-reflections and I learn. Bob is one of the widest and deepest thinkers I know, particularly in matters of the soul. His success as a marketer, philanthropist and musician are of local legend. This recent passage centers on the age old character of the Fool, then probes more deeply in search of the fool within each of us. One of the key points which I find alluring is that being the fool requires we take ourselves less seriously which can in turn help us and others through the worst of times. As Bob and I age, and certainly within the limits of social grace and empathy we are choosing to be more The Fool. Mill
Where Does It Hurt?
Apr 28, 2019 6:53:54 PM / by Tim McCarthy posted in Monthly Newsletter
The homily last Sunday was centered on the theme, “where does it hurt?”. Our priest’s point was that you cannot identify how to fix what ails you until you know what is really causing the pain.
Sycamore set to take $1 billion out of Staples | Adam Lewis
Apr 25, 2019 2:39:02 PM / by Tim McCarthy posted in Learning and Knowledge
Editor’s Comment: My good friend, Ron DeMattia of Corporate Value Partners sent me this article. It’s more data for the series of discussions he and I have had about the M&A business done right and done wrong. The wrong way (in our view) is adding debt to dividend shareholders; a few people gain and many people lose. Staples owners are cited here but the highest profile case of such concerns currently is Eddie Lambert and his long ride as Sears/Kmart owner. The courts and others are currently hounding Lambert to discern how much his hedge fund (ESL) gained while tens of thousands lose their jobs and their retirement savings (stock as well as pensions). Sycamore and Sears are just two of dozens of cases Ron and I wonder about.