Tim McCarthy and the Business of Good

The Doctor Is In

Aug 6, 2024 11:56:20 AM / by Tim McCarthy

08-2024 - The Doctor Is In


Alice and the kids have long teased me as the Dr. with no MD. Children of medical doctors often believe we are experts just by having watched our dads ply their trade.

Looking back, while some of Dad’s thinking has been replaced by research and new approaches, here are some of his many thoughts that are still true.

  • Penicillin, the miracle drug. Dad was in medical school when Alexander Fleming invented it. He remained in awe as millions were cured of deadly infections by this, the first modern antibiotic.
  • When his kids would slim down on all-protein, water, vegetarian, fruit diets he would say to us, “nothing will ever replace the food pyramid and portion control. If you follow the food groups, you won’t even need vitamins.”
  • Nicotine, alcohol, caffeine and chocolate (sugar) are mood–altering substances. He called them “drugs”.
  • Want a good dessert? Dad would ask Mom to make Angel Food cake with no frosting. When he wanted to “break over”, he’d add vanilla ice cream.
  • He enjoyed watching me enter my salad phase, pointing out that the dressing I drenched my lettuce with might alone equal a good hamburger.
  • He picked up a cluster of grapes one time to show his cigarette smoking son (me) the destruction carbon dioxide reeks on the small sacs (alveoli) in my lungs where oxygen is processed. It was in response to my assertion that I’d quit someday.
  • Beware cholesterol – it leaves gunk in your arteries. His very specific suggestion was “one egg and two slices of bacon a week”.
  • “Timmy, If you are going to be a drinker, which is hard on your lungs and liver, make sure to eat a lot because alcohol attacks the liver faster on an empty stomach.”
  • You can’t drink too much water because bad things cannot stay in your body if you are flushing them out with water. He called it our irrigation system.
  • Walk or swim, don’t run. Running over time is hard on your bones and heart.
  • Knees, ankles, feet and hips are load bearing devices. The best remedy is not surgery but staying close (or returning) to your recommended body weight. “Imagine the joints on a small bridge while a semi-truck is driving over it.”

Looking back, I see that my Dad’s genius was the same as David Ogilvy’s in advertising and Peter Drucker’s in business. That is, that genius is no more than learning simple truths then applying common sense and self-discipline.


Tim McCarthy  




08-2024 Kai Cheng Thom  - NewsletterQuote of the Month: (This describes my daily struggle with uncertainty)

Paradox is where enlightenment is born—it’s not about resolving or conquering paradox by choosing one side; rather, it’s in the tension of more than one truth being true that a new wisdom arises.

---Kai Cheng Thom







08-2024 Song - ViolinSong of the Month:  "Violin” by Amos Lee

Editor’s Note:  This singer songwriter has been featured several times in this blog. Lee appeared recently at Cleveland’s House of Blues and Alice, and I were there for a fantastic musical and voice experience. I had not heard, or perhaps just had not noticed this song which is both moving and lovely.

Favorite lyric:

“Oh, God, why you been hanging out with that old violin,

While I’ve been waiting for you to pull me through?”

Listen to it here




Book of The Month: "Warren and Bill" by Anthony McCarten
08-2024 Book - Warren and Bill
Editor’s Note:  McCarten is a playwright, known for “Bohemian Rhapsody”, among other movies. This seems to make his writing fresh and clear. I wrestle with concept of billionaire philanthropy and so does the author, which makes his even approach worth the read for anyone else interested in these two lives and/or charitable giving trends.


[Note: Bill’s wife, Melinda, used these words at her graduation: “’Remember that you are indebted to life until you help some less fortunate person, just as you were helped’”.]

McCarten: “It’s not unreasonable to think that it was Bill’s wife who brought Bill around to thinking this way – it would be another trait he shared with wife-schooled Warren Buffett”

[Note: Susie Thompson Buffett was also a strident social activist].

Read it for yourself here




08-2024 A Funny Thing - EvvieJoke of the Month: Evvie and Jesus

Continuing the theme of family stories, my brother, Bill’s, wife, Evvie, and I went to pick up a Christmas tree for our family home. Evvie was pregnant and slipped and fell on the ice. A helpful Nun, after we got her back on her feet said, “since you’re okay, maybe you should name the child, Jesus”. Brushing snow off, Ev said, “no, thanks, Sister, I’ve already got one at home who thinks he’s Jesus”.






Tags: Monthly Newsletter, Learning and Knowledge, Creativity & Favorites

Tim McCarthy

Written by Tim McCarthy

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