Tim McCarthy & BGF | Blog

Funny of the Month  |  Switching Tapes

Written by Tim McCarthy | Mar 2, 2024 10:08:58 PM


Funny of the Month: Switching

I’ve been trying to think lately about true stories that happened that are funny enough for a laugh and this one came to me today:

It was one of my first big presentations for my job at a New York Ad Agency.  As the junior guy, I was assigned to hit the button on the video to play our TV commercial reel.  About a minute before it was time, a colleague leaned over to me and whispered, “Tim, I changed the tape – I loaded the ‘Debbie Does Dallas’ video.”  The next couple minutes were the longest of my young life.  Sweat was pouring off me when I finally hit the play button.  Of course, it was the commercial reel and not the movie so you can imagine the abuse that I took at lunch after the pitch.