Tim McCarthy & BGF | Blog

Baby Don’t Leave Me Alone With My Thoughts by Lake Street Dive

Written by Tim McCarthy | Oct 1, 2021 1:23:51 AM

Editor’s note:  Alice and I were enjoying a walk on the Deschutes River near Bend, Oregon, when a band named “Lake Street Dive” was doing a sound check for their concert at Bend Amphitheatre that evening.  Just hearing a little bit caused us to put them on Spotify for our trip to Seattle the next day.  We are completely smitten with the band, now watching for where we can go see them live.  Beyond their fabulous, dynamic lead singer, these people are really skilled musicians.  My strongest impression is that they know what notes NOT to play as well as those they should.  LSD uses volume dynamics, pauses and rhythm changes brilliantly; so much so that they defy genre description.


Favorite lyric:  “I don’t want to get caught in the current of my mind…in the prison of the present time”!  😊