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Time Management: Master Your Time, Master Your Life

Written by Tim McCarthy | Aug 31, 2017 5:14:28 PM

There’s this huge lie we tell ourselves that “we don’t have enough time”. There is some truth to do that because eventually one day we won’t have any more time, but right now (right this moment) we have time. There are 24 hours in a day, if you can’t make the most of those hours then time isn’t the problem, you are!

Way too many people suffer from a disease called procrastination. I’ll admit, there are times where I’ve fallen victim to procrastination too. I used to believe that procrastination was an excuse we used when we’re either afraid or too lazy to do anything. However, according to Timothy Pychyl, a professor who studies procrastination at Carleton University, in Ottawa, he says that “most psychologists see procrastination as a kind of avoidance behavior, a coping mechanism gone awry in which people give in to feel good.”

Procrastination usually arises when people fear or dread, or have anxiety about, the important task awaiting them. To rid themselves of this negative feeling, people procrastinate. Some of the same attributes can be applied to poor time management. It’s not that you don’t have time it’s that you’re either wasting time (by avoiding the thing that needs to be done and using the time to do something else) or not making the most of the time you have (not planning accordingly in order to complete important tasks).

Whatever the reason, below are some tips to get you to stop wasting time and help you start making the most of the time you have.

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