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Recommended Books - "Who Owns the Icehouse? Eight Life Lessons from an Unlikely Entrepreneur" by Clifton Taulbert & Gary Schoeniger

Written by Tim McCarthy | Jan 3, 2016 4:30:00 PM

Editor's Note: Drawing on the entrepreneurial life-lessons he gained from his Uncle Cleve, Who Owns the Icehouse? chronicles Clifton Taulbert’s journey from life in the Mississippi Delta at the height of legal segregation to being recognized by Time Magazine as “one of our nations most outstanding emerging entrepreneurs.” While Taulbert describes the life-changing influence of his Uncle Cleve, Gary Schoeniger, founder of Entrepreneurial Learning Initiative (ELI), captures the entrepreneurial life-lessons and the unlimited opportunities they can provide.

Excerpt: "As much as the ideal of becoming an entrepreneur is admired, for many, the embodiment seems out of reach. Uncle Cleve had neither special privileges nor abilities to draw on, yet he was able to leave a legacy of entrepreneurship that left its impact far beyond his own life. He was an ordinary person - just like us, just like you. With nothing to recommend him other than his will to succeed, Uncle Cleve shaped his life into the perfect vehicle for understanding the entrepreneurial mindset."
