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Recommended Books - "Thinking Fast and Slow" by Daniel Kahneman

Written by Tim McCarthy | Jun 27, 2015 4:22:00 PM

Editor’s Note: Reading this book requires great patience, both in reading (it’s deep) and in seeing mistakes in my thinking that I’d rather deny. Nobel prize- winning psychologist and author Daniel Kahneman drags us into our own decision-making process by using lots of examples with his points. The “summary of the summary” is that we each operate from two behaviors called here System 1 and System 2. System 1 is our intuitive (fast) brain which responds quickly and often involuntarily. System 2 is our deliberative (slow) brain which requires deeper thought. Both are needed: System 1 to slam on the brakes to avoid hitting a child vs. thinking about slamming on the brakes; System 2 when shopping vs. making a list at home before going shopping. Kahneman’s overall thesis is that just by understanding more about how we make decisions, we might dramatically reduce the chronic errors we all make.

Favorite Quote: “Intelligence  is  not  only  the  ability  to  reason;  it is  also  the  ability  to  find  relevant material in memory and to deploy attention when needed.”
