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Recommended Books - "Name that Emotion" by Dr. Erin Olivo

Written by Tim McCarthy | Jan 31, 2016 1:29:00 PM

Editor’s note: I’m a little skittish about self-help books anymore, especially from an associate of “Dr. Oz” and so before reading “Wise Mind Living,” Dr. Olivo’s 200 page advice to moody people like me, I tried this little 19 pager to see what she’s like.  Everything here is known and has been written before elsewhere, as I’d suspected but it really was helpful to me to see how Olivo suggests I process my emotions, including my triggers and the after effects of the eight key areas she accounts for – six negative and two positive.  My twenty years of mindfulness practice keeps me noticing my emotions more but it will be pretty interesting to see if understanding the process helps me “name the emotion” before I let it go.  

Excerpt: “Emotions occur in distinct episodes that rise and fall quickly, if we let them. The trouble is, we often don’t let them. They may rise up all of a sudden all right, but we have a tendency to make them stick around rather than let them recede as they naturally would. When they stick around longer, they become moods, which is excellent when the emotion is happiness and we wind up announcing to whoever will listen, “I am in such a good mood!” Less awesome is when we prolong a distressing emotion to the point that we are in the kind of mood that, if we were cartoons, would be signified by dark clouds hovering over our heads."
