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July Newsletter: “Like Marriage, Business Takes Work” by Tim McCarthy
Author’s note: This is a month of transition since our webmaster has instructed me to start writing in a “blog-style.” It seems a fun way to start this shorter and sweeter writing track would be to share quotes that have changed my life.
“You are what you eat and you become what you think about.” Steven Martin
Martin was a seminar instructor and this comment hit me like a brick. Martin went on to say that because the cells in our bodies regenerate at various rates, the first part of the statement is almost literally true. The second part of the sentence is a fundamental truth. When my mind is occupied by fear, anxiety, anger or concern, I become a fearful, anxious, angry and concerned person. Obviously, the reverse is also true.
“Moderation in all things – including moderation.” My Mother (said with a smile)
Who knows when I first remember Mom saying this to us but as I grow older I become only more aware of its truth. I am, by nature, a person of extremes. And so, it’s been a long and continuing struggle to rein myself in. And sure enough, as I do I become both more productive and effective and more peaceful.
“No one in the world respects the physical outcomes of stress.” Dr. Sam Wilson
I was 42 years old and on the operating table watching the video screen of a camera going through my arteries to check whether I had heart disease since I’d been fainting and experiencing what appeared to be mild heart attacks. Each time Dr. Sam would point to the screen he’d say “Wow, Tim, your arteries are completely clean.” So I finally said, “Why am I having these attacks?” Stress–no one is immune, no matter how strong we think we are.