I need your input.
My writing coach just called. He had just reviewed the first 23,000 words I gave him for my book and said, “You have joined a very exclusive club”. By his estimate, he says of 100 people who decide to write a book, 10 actually start and only 1 or 2 ever fully develop a “beginning, middle and end” to their book.
So I felt really good about myself and said, “cool, now what do I do”?
He said, “Rewrite it”.
Ouch. Um, so why must I rewrite it?
Because, he said, “you set out to write a book to inspire others and instead you wrote your ‘memoirs’”.
The bad news is not that I wrote a memoir; the bad news is it’s not what I meant to (nor care to) do. So, I asked, “how can I fix this” and Michael told me, “first, decide who your reader really is, then write them a very long letter”.
This is where you come in because you are who I hope to please with this book. Please email me at tim@thebusinessofgood.org with an answer to at least these three questions:
1. What age are you currently?
2. Have you achieved adequate wealth or are you still striving for it?
3. How do you define “adequate wealth” for yourself?
Near the first of each month, I send about 1800 emails with this newsletter and about 500 of you open it so I can learn a lot if you will write to me. My intention with the website and this blog was, is and will be to identify and inspire other like-minded people. I’m hopeful the book will do even more of the same.
The target readers I seek are people who want more out of life and realize they might get more by giving more. Like me, they realize it’s an iterative process and therefore a lifelong search.
The book’s working title is “Empty Abundance”. The title sets up that building material wealth beyond a certain level is like pouring gas onto the pavement after your car’s tank is full. And yet we (at least, I) persist in obtaining more “things” thinking the next will be the one to satisfy.
What’s in this for you? I will send you a free signed copy once it is published. Our target is next spring.
Feel free to answer other questions such as: Did you go to college and if so, for how long? Are you generally happy with your life, regretful or somewhere in between? Have you changed over time? Please also send this request to like-minded friends and associates since the more input I have, the better my chances of writing something meaningful about someone other than myself.
Peace, Tim